The management of the recipients allows you to configure a series of parameters to facilitate and enable different options in the management of complaints.

Some of these options and their functionality are listed below:

Turn on email notifications

Activating this option in the recipient's profile will enable them to receive emails related to complaints, every time a complaint is created or modified.

This is what the settings panel looks like with the option selected:

settings panel with option activate notifications selected.png

Compulsorily selected

Alerting persons, when filling out the questionnaire, have the possibility to select the recipient to whom to address the complaint, as long as this option is enabled in the corresponding Context.

What the option "Mandatory selected" does is to indicate that this recipient to whom we have marked the option, will always appear as pre-selected without the option to de-select it.

This is what the settings panel looks like with the option selected:

Option selected in the settings panel.png

When the alerting person accesses a complaint and some recipient person is selected as mandatory, the view of this complaint will be as follows:

view of the complaint.png

Otherwise, if there is no recipient selected as mandatory, the view of the complaint will be as follows:

report without selected recipient.png

Allows the recipient to delete reports

This option allows a recipient to delete complaints. This deletion must be done one at a time, it cannot be done en masse.

Option selected in settings.png

If the recipient has this option selected, when accessing a complaint a new option will appear in the complaint edition, corresponding to a trash can icon:

trash icon selected.png

Below is an example of a report where the recipient has this option activated, where you can see the trash can icon that enables them to delete the report.

trash icon in the complaint.png

The system asks to confirm with a pop-up window the deletion of the complaint.

confirmation deleted.png

The complaint is deleted with this option and the log also records who deleted it.

Allows the recipient to postpone the report's expiration date

If this option is selected, the recipient will have the ability to modify the expiration date of a specific complaint. Said option is identified through a clock icon.

postpone option selected in the configuration.png

By pressing the clock icon to modify the expiry date of the complaint:

clock icon inside the complaint.png

A window opens with the new date to be modified:

confirmation new date.png

screen deleted effected.png

Allow this user to reopen the management of a complaint

The recipient who has this parameter activated has the possibility to reopen a closed report.

reopen option selected in configuration.png

By default, if you don't have the reopen option enabled, you'll see the disk icon with the description of changing states in the complaint, where there are several options, but you won't be able to open a previously closed complaint:

screen without reopen option.png

When the user has the option to reopen closed complaints enabled, the same button with the disc contains the option to reopen the selected complaint:

reopen option activated.png

Selecting this opens a new window to add the reason for reopening the complaint:

reopening reason screen.png

Once the operation is confirmed, the complaint will go from closed to open, as can be seen in the attached example:

open complaint.png